Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Place kill Dajjal

Of Abdullah Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said "When I'm asleep, I dream of doing tawaf in the sanctuary, then there is a heavy hair dripping from his head, then I ask who this was, they replied," Ibn Maryam as ", then I turned and saw a fat man, red-skinned, curly-haired, his eyes blind in one eye, and his eyes were like ripe grapes (no shine). They said, "This is the Antichrist".
He was the most similar to Ibn Qathn, a man of Khuza'ah. "[Bukhari and Muslim].
Of Anas, he said, the Messenger of Allah said, her eyes lost that Dajjal (blind), written between the eyes disbelieve, then he spelled it, infidels who should be read by every Muslim man between the eyes and it says "infidels" (Muslim ).

Tempat di Bunuhnya Dajjal

Dari Abdullah Ibnu Umar ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda “Ketika saya sedang tidur, saya bermimpi melakukan tawaf di Kaabah, lalu ada seorang berambut lebat yang meneteskan air dari kepalanya, lalu aku tanyakan siapakah ini, mereka menjawab, ”Ibnu Maryam as”, kemudian aku berpaling dan melihat seorang laki-laki yang gemuk, berkulit merah, berambut keriting, matanya buta sebelah, dan matanya itu seperti buah anggur yang masak (tak bersinar). Mereka mengatakan, ”Ini Dajjal”.

Dia adalah orang yang paling mirip dengan Ibnu Qathn, seorang laki-laki dari Khuza’ah.” [HR al-Bukhari, dan Muslim].

Dari Anas, beliau berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda, Dajjal itu matanya terhapus (buta), tertulis di antara kedua matanya kafir, kemudian beliau mengejanya, kafir yang boleh dibaca oleh setiap orang muslim dan di antara kedua matanya terdapat tulisan “kafir” (HR Muslim).

This is the Benefits of Arguing When Dating

Many couples fight judge in a love affair that would only worsen the relationship. But it's not always true, in fact a fight with your girlfriend can also cause a positive thing and has its own benefits you know. Do not believe?
Fight when a relationship is also needed so as not to seem bland and boring. In addition, a fight with your loved one can also make the relationship better and make more sense of relief.Besides the things above, fighting also has other benefits you know. Want to know? Here's the answer.
1. Know the nature of couples can be moreSomeone will be addressed in the original nature of another person if he is angry. Likewise with your boyfriend's. When he is angry or upset with you the true colors come out,

Why the Jews Dislike Indonesia and Malaysia Unite?

Indonesia will not tolerate actions that threaten the sovereignty of other countries, including the shifting boundaries. "There is no compromise on sovereignty," said presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin PashaIndonesia's relationship heats up again. After more times, the two allied countries are re-seakidah fuss about the issue of nationalism that was not taught Malay scholars of the past.His case is simple, but remarkable for the nationalists, the boundary problem in Sambas Seagulls Month alleged to have been annexed Malaysia.We must open the eyes of the conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia is not the case on its own. There are elements like fire triggers that cause the big smoke. The question is who is it lighter? Muslims? No, because we are just victims.Prof. Malay experts. Dr. Dato 'Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud of the Institute of Nature and Malay civilization, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) agrees that there is external intervention in the dispute behind this Muslim allied countries.

Mengapa Yahudi Tidak Suka Indonesia dan Malaysia Bersatu?

Indonesia tidak akan menoleransi tindakan negara lain yang mengancam kedaulatan, termasuk menggeser tapal batas. ”Tidak ada kompromi soal kedaulatan,” kata Juru Bicara Kepresidenan Julian Aldrin Pasha

Hubungan Indonesia kembali memanas. Setelah kian kali, dua Negara serumpun-seakidah ini kembali diributkan persoalan nasionalisme yang sama sekali tidak diajarkan ulama-ulama Melayu tempo dulu.

Kasusnya sederhana, namun luar biasa bagi kaum nasionalis, yakni permasalahan tapal batas Camar Bulan di Sambas yang diduga telah dicaplok Malaysia.

Kita harus membuka mata bahwa konflik antara Malaysia dan Indonesia ini tidak terjadi dengan sendirinya. Ada unsur-unsur pemicu layaknya api yang menimbulkan asap besar. Pertanyaannya siapakah pemantik api itu? Umat Muslim? Bukan, karena kita hanya korban.

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