Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

10 Big League Stars Twitter Accounts

Football players do not just exist, be loved and cursed on the gridiron but also on Twitter. A series of soccer star in Europe since the last few years have an official Twitter account that is used to interact with fans worldwide. It also contains an account of the activities of players and sometimes just "chirp" ordinary.Indonesia one of the players who have a Twitter account is Bambang Pamungkas (@ bepe20) followed by 920 thousand people. Meanwhile, the Premier League there are a bunch of footballers who have Twitter and holds directly (not by managers or public relations consultant).Anyone gridiron star in the Premier League who has the most followers? Here is a list of 10 Twitter accounts Premier League star:10. Luis Suarez

Is it true that Facebook Causes Changes in Brain Structure?

Scientists in London found an association between the number of friends you have in Facebook (FB) and brain size. The study says that using online social networking could affect the structure of the human brain.The brain has four parts that have a role in memory, emotional response and social interaction. Researchers from University College London (UCL) uses magnetic resonance imaging (NMR) to examine the brains of 125 college students active users of social networking sites FB.The students who become the object of research have around 300-1000 FB friends.With more than 800 million active users worldwide FB, FB has become a major component of social interaction, especially among young people.

This is the Last Words Before the Bullets Translucent Qaddafi head

The more obvious, since the death of the Libyanleader, Muammar Qaddafi who was captured alive but died a few minutes latercovered in blood.
A series of images taken via cell phone showed he was shot with a very close range, only a few centimeters.
A few seconds later, spluttering dictators can no longer be heard. The next sceneshows the lifeless body of the tyrant in the land. His eyes were closed and he wasnot breathing. The people cheered.
Shortly before met his fate, in the tape Qaddafi asked haltingly, "What are you doing? It is not permissible in Islamic law. What you do is forbidden? 'he said.
With a choked voice, he repeated, "" What you did was wrong, son. Do you knowwhat is right or wrong? '

Enam Tips Pintar Memaksimalkan Android

Demam ponsel berbasis Android tengah melanda. Berbagai konten dan fitur menarik tersedia terbukti mampu menyihir jutaan pengguna dalam waktu relatif singkat. Bagi Anda yang termasuk atau berminat untuk menjadi salah satu di antaranya, berikut beberapa tips berguna untuk memaksimalkan smartphone Robot Hijau Anda tersebut.

1. Memiliki akun Google
Android adalah sistem operasi milik Google, jadi Anda membutuhkan akun Google (atau Gmail) untuk menggunakan banyak fitur di smartphone Android Anda. Jika belum memilikinya, Anda bisa langsung membuatnya langsung di ponsel.

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