Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Wi-Fi, The Voracious eaters Energy Battery

After turning the gadgets to catch the wi-fi signals in public spaces, not long before you even complain because the device that you use the latest signal that the battery in it is reduced in large numbers. Though staying gadget you wear as a device with the latest technology, has also been reviewed with positive results by technology experts. 

There is nothing wrong with the gadget you have, because in reality to catch the wi-fi signal does require a lot of energy for the captors, call it smart phones, laptops, and tablets.
 Channels Wireless / Networking at About explains why so powerful wi-fi device that draws energy you use. Wi-fi signal strength given millwatts units of decibels (dBm) when sending data to a device that functions as receiver. Wi-fi network with a high dBm signal tends to have broad coverage. Consequently, this requires more energy than the wi-fi with a low dBm.

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

This is it, 50 Companies Most Happy 2012

Hilton International hotel management network was named the happiest company in the United States in 2012. Hilton topped the list of 50 companies with the most high employee job satisfaction according to surveys careerbliss.com.
This achievement makes the Hilton last year to shift the position occupied by the internet company Google. Besides Hilton, manager of another hotel, the Hyatt, also on the list that is in position 19. But apparently most of the health industry sector registered members in this list.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Latest Bluetooth Technology Can Save Battery

Sometimes there are times when all the gadgets we run out of battery endurance, be it a smartphone, laptop, or even a tablet computer. The most uncomfortable moment was when typing reports on work or while playing games.

Now Broadcom has offered a technology that they claim will give us a Bluetooth keyboard / mouse that is able to make our batteries can last lebh good with technology.

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