Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Development of Information Technology News: Newspapers Moving Image


http://teknologi.gravisware.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/koran-1.jpgLatest information technology developments of this extraordinary time. A group of scientists of information 
technology in the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has found a paper-thin screen monitor. monitor screen can also be bent and rolled like ordinary paper without the slightest damage. So that the results of computer technology is able to put together a newspaper for displaying moving images like posters live in the Harry Potter films. The monitor is named FlexUPD thin.

Not only that, later this latest technology is also expected to reduce the weight and size e-reader and tablet PCs. Thin screen is claimed to be integrated with some of the latest technologies such as LCD screens, LEDs, even OLEDs (organic light-emitting diodes).
ITRI ​​findings of this latest technology has received a gold medal in the Wall Street Journal's 10th annual Tech Innovation Awards 2010. ITRI ​​is a team of scientists known as the best information technology, last year they also won the Innovation Award for discoveries FleXpeaker, paper-thin loudspeaker. FlexUPD patents now held by AU Optronics Corporation of Taiwan's ITRI also funders.

 Not only that, later teknologJika seen from a very thin thickness and coupled with the latest printing techniques and layout, it would be possible for FlexUPD to 'attached' to the newspaper to display live images or movies dealing with the news being presented in the paper . This is certainly a big step for communication technology. FlexUPD electronic structure is very sophisticated. Anatomy of the world's thinnest screen is composed of layers of micro-film transistors which are embedded in a sheet of flexible material. So the screen is not rigid and can have a level fleksib ilitas like paper. 

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